After this case was taken to court, a settlement was reached and now Chester Burnett (Howlin Wolf) has songwriter credit for The Lemon Song.

Comparison between the first verses of the two songsĪfter digging deeper into this, I learned that in 1972 Led Zeppelin was actually sued by ARC Music, claiming that they had plagiarized Howlin Wolf’s song. The lyrics, they timing at which they are sung, and even the style of music is unmistakably similar. After listening to both songs and examining the lyrics, I can conclusively say that the songs are so ridiculously similar, I can understand why Led Zeppelin was labelled as a ripoff. Now, obviously Kirby wouldn’t have included this in his video series if it wasn’t true so I decided to dig into the comparison and come to a conclusion for myself. Apparently, previous to the album, the band had performed Howlin Wolf’s song while on tour but shortly after, they recorded it and put it on their album. The song was placed on the 1969 album, Led Zeppelin II. The Led Zeppelin song that I chose to focus on is The Lemon Song and compare it to Howlin Wolf’s Killing Floor. The credit for songwriting The Lemon Song was originally given to both Jimmy Page and Robert Plant. In episode one of Everything is a Remix, Kirby uses multiple examples to explain why the world famous heavy metal band, Led Zeppelin, is labelled as a rip off by many critics. He goes on to say that “anybody can remix anything” and that you don’t even require skills or special equipment, you just need an idea. Kirby’s first episode focuses on remixing and how it is such a prominent and common thing today. Being original isn’t even original anymore because everything that surrounds us and everything we create is a remix. After watching Kirby Ferguson’s video series Everything is a Remix, I have finally started to understand the ideas as well as the differences regarding copying, sampling, and rip offs.